Enjoy. Come Again.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Regarding the Phone blog

The layout's really screwed up. It's 2:31am. Maybe I'll edit later, but I really can't be bothered doing much more so just try bear with it for now.. Zzzz

My Ex's - Phones

Courtesy of Jd.
Here's a list of all my past phones. I'm not sure 100% about the order of possession and the models of the phones. But I'm just completely trusting Google Images on this.

Nokia 3210
First phone ever. TG I never went through the antenna phase. Lol. I got this phone in Year 4. I also never had credit! But it was ok, there was no one to text/call anyway. I think I was with Vodafone.

Nokia 3315
I actually had this phone twice in my life. Sometime in high school, I went through this phase where I was sick of the super high tech phones so I bought my friend's old 3315 for $5. I changed my number to Optus for this one. I gotta admit, I was tank at the Composer thing. I changed my ringtone pretty much every chance I got. It was really fun, typing all those numbers.

Nokia 3120.

Apparently, its called Nokia 3120. I'm not so sure though. Anyway, this phone had pretty cool games.

Motorola Razr
My grandpa gave me this phone in exchange for the Nokia 3120 so my grandma could use it. This phone was gay in its features. Crap camera, crap memory, crap graphics. Basically, crap.

Nokia 3600
Again, I am unsure of the exact model of this phone. I got this from my aunty and since I have no use for the Razr, I gave that to my uncle. However, one time someone sent me something via bluetooth. It screwed it up badly cos after that, my bluetooth wouldn't turn off! My battery also ran out after a couple of hours so it was pretty useless.

LG U890
I loved this phone. It was my first 3 phone, yay! It was also very faithful to me. I don't remember holding a grudge against it for screwing up on me.

Nokia 6288
This phone acted as a camera to me for a while. It screwed up after only a couple of months though. I didn't even drop it badly or anything.

[When this one screwed up on me, I changed back to my LG U890. Then it was stolen]

LG U8120
When the LG U890 was stolen, I had to use my dad's first 3 phone. Crappiest phone to have on a capped plan. But this phone was faithful to me.

Motorola Razr2 V9
After waiting for so long, the day of upgrade finally came! So yeah, I upgraded to this. It's a highly efficient phone, especially for a cluts like me. It's heavier than a lot of phones its size, but it's good. It is also very sexy. I love it!

How epic. Blog later.

23rd - 24th

Thursday. Yesterday was a fun day. Che slept over the night before. We watched High School Musical 3 and Slumdog Millionaire before we slept, pigging out to all things sweet - the usual. I had a good sleep that night despite the fact that Che kept randomly twitching. I was woken by Shella, who arrived at my house around 8.30am cos we were planning to take the 9.30am Body Pump class at the gym (Oh, sometime between that I got a hold of Gossip Girl Episode 21. Thanks Brix!). Anyway, Shella and I met up with Hannah and Rea at One55 gym. It was Hannah and Rea's first time so they got the free first trial. I hate the signing in process where you have to fill in all this crap and we had to wait for the chick to finish giving this other fat chick a tour of the gym! Ahh! To make it extra worse, it was already past 9.30am. We stood outside the Body Pump class but they told us it was too late. At first, we were utterly disappointed. Basically, we just stood there and watched these buff girls doing freaking barbells. All we coud say was, "Thank God we missed this class."
To pass the hour, we just did weights and such..
Time for the Hip Hop class and Avidelle was still not there (she woke up too late to meet up with us so she said she'll turn up for Hip Hop). Luckily, she turned up just before the instructor started. Haha, that class was interesting. I wish I documented it somehow. After that, the 5 of us went rowing. We were happy so naturally, we were loud. Moments later, one of the One55 came upstairs looking all worried. She said something like "Are you girls alright?! Oh, sorry it sounded like there was a fight up here." Anyway, it was funny at the time.
After doing a couple more weights, we started to walk to Rooty shops for some grub. Not exactly the best choice of food after working out, but we chose to eat some super greasy Arab pizza. Hannah had 2. For dessert, we had a Gaytime each cos it's hard to have a Gaytime on your own.
Hannah and Rea caught the bus home so it was just me, Avi and Shella left. We ended up bummin' at my house. I dyed Avi's hair, and we finally got to watch Gossip Girl Episode 21! Then we watched Slumdog Millionaire. Hehe, I love that movie. I can't get over it! Right now, I think it seconds Forrest Gump - which says a lot in my books. To end the day, we took heaaaps of Photobooth pics.

Friday. Today, I spent most of my day at Ryan's house. Finally got to try out Guitar Hero: World Tour! I sucked at the drums more than I anticipated. It was also fun making Alysha cry a good portion of the time I was there. After that, I just hung with Gab, Ray and Jd at maccas. After that, it was youth. Now I'm home blogging because I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I've a blocked nose! Damn hayfever season! Blog later.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Useless day #1

11:40am. I was woken up by my parents.. just to cook rice!
12:00pm - 1:00pm. Watched my daily dose of Whose Line Is It Anyway?
1:30pm - 3:00pm (approx). Ate lunch/watched Camp Rock. [Why yes, I do like the Jonas Brothers even though they can't act].

After that I just went back to sleep til about 5:30pm. I took a shower and went online. It's currently 6:25pm. First of many useless day entries to come. Blog later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Last 2

An account of my activities on the last 2 days of the long weekend. (Like it affects me anyway. I'm on a 2 week vacation). Anyway about 20 minutes ago, I got home from Mount Tomah Botanic Garden. Played pusoy. I think it's too wet for me to enjoy anything today. Before that we went apple picking for approximately 30 minutes. That place was full of asians. I guess that's because it's cheap. Typical! That was totally a waste of my time. Probably haven't recovered properly from last night's Easter Jam with Passion which I will now write about!

Sunday. Woke up early to go to church. I lent Ate Xian my usb which I don't usually do but because I was unable to burn them the 3 latest episodes, I couldn't resist. From there, I had 6 hours to kill. I watched a bit of the Japanese drama that Che recommended, 'Bloody Monday'. It's not too bad for my taste actually. I fell asleep while watching and when I woke up it was still on. Spoiled about 4 episodes! Grr! Once Avi and Rea got to my house it was already 630pm but we still had to wait for Gino to pick us up. Avi wasn't orginally supposed to come, but April didn't want her ticket. Anyway, the food my parents were buying took ages so all I had was 2 spoonfull of rice and beef.
So blah blah we finally reached the parking lot of the RSL. I asked Gino for Avi's ticket and turns out he forgot to bring both their tickets. It was okay though, we didn't lose any seats cos Gino had homies inside and we had Esther to mind us some seats. Thanks Esther! Turned out to be a really good night. Sorry if I can't recall all the people's names that performed. Good job to Nessa & her awesome band, Israel that gangster with the strange hairstyle and of course, Passion! Passion! He's awesome! I lost count of how many songs he sang but apparently it wasn't enough. The people of Rooty Hill wanted an encore and that's what they got. See, he's so nice. Weeks before the event I've been counting on getting an autograph and a photo with Passion. I was stoked when they said that there was a meet and greet time at the end. He finished performing around 11 but thankfully, we somehow ended up at the front of the line. Thanks Gino for waiting in the car. Hehe. Got my autograph and photo!

Soon as I got home, I went online and posted it on Facebook. Yes.. Shut up. Anyway, I had a blast! Thanks girls for being my buddies! Blog later.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today I had the privilege of waking up at 6am to get ready for a 7am drive to Wollongong. Typically, we filos didn't leave until 8am. Jd, Jec, Amiel and I played pusoy dos while waiting. Omg, Jd had the maddest sneezing attack I've ever seen. First she sneezes about 4 times in a row, then she sneezes in 15 second intervals. It was heaaaaaps funny! This was also somewhat a solo day for me. My parents didn't want to come because they were too busy with our flooring renovations here at home. So as usual, I just tagged along.
I rode with the De Guzman's (thanks guys!) and about 10 minutes into the drive, we were already dozing off. Oh and that weird thing that almost always happens to me when I'm falling asleep happened! You know when you're still kind of half awake then you have this "dream" that you trip over or get hit by something? Suddenly your body chucks this spasm that probably makes you look extremely stupid if someone saw it? Well, I was really embarrassed so I opened my eyes to see if Jec saw it. Haha. She didn't (phew!). Anyway, about 40minutes upon arrival, I saw this sign that said CHEEP PLANTS FOR SALE. I wasn't sure if I found it more funny or annoying that someone couldn't spell cheap. In fairness, cheep is a word but I doubt it was used right.
When we finally got there - ('there' as in, 'within the vicinity'), it took us ages to find the right parking spot. We were just following wherever the van was going but apparently, it was the GPS' fault. Heck yeah it's always the GPS' fault! All that resulted in the need to pee. I hate public toilets! One of the most disgusting things in this world! Ah! I hate it with a passion! But I needed to pee. I needed to. As expected, the toilets smelled like [insert the worst swear word ever]. It was a mixtu
re of salt and other people's dried up piss. Not only did I have to squat, but also hold my breath. So when we finally escaped hell, the first thing we looked for is a spot in the BBQ areas to play pusoy dos. After brunch, we also bought gaytime! Yay! We played pusoy for who knows how long til we finally decided to bring our blankets down the beach. Jd, Jec, Amiel and I just laid down there under one umbrella until Ann came. Actually, we were still lying down even when she got there. It was good though. A great way to relax after exams and such. Unfortunately, the rain kicked in and we had to go back. It wasn't really sunny to begin with so I guess we saw it coming. We just kept playing pusoy dos.
Anyhow, despite o
ur attempt to sway the parents into driving us to maccas, we ended up at the Balmadres' residence. Whattaya know? More filo food! There isn't really much to tell about that aspect of my day.
When I got back ho
me, I was very pleased to see the progress made in the flooring. It's looking very good. It's just gonna be a major acoustic change cos now, I have to make less noise so my dad doesn't get disturbed during hibernation. We'll get used to it.

To conclude, may I say?
I'm excited for the Easter Jam at the RSL with Passion tomorrow night!
Blog later.

Here are more pics from today. (Courtesy of Ann)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Blog

Hello cyber world. This is officially my first blog - on blogspot. I don't really know what urged me to blog in the first place, but hopefully I can update this as often as I can. Anyway, today is Good Friday. It's a pretty lazy day since nothing's open and it's cold. I'm stuck in my room with Dr. Phil the only thing good on tv cos the parentals are tearing apart our carpet to replace it with timber flooring. Lovely. Besides that, this week's been pretty average..

Sunday. Had church service as per usual. I went home earlier than I usually do. I wasn't sure what to do to pass time (anything but study). So I turned to the one sure thing that I'll enjoy - nap time! Around 3pm, Jd rang asking if they could come over. I said yes, not knowing that 'they' are made up of more than 5 people. Anyway, the whole night basically consisted of Buzz, Guitar Hero and Pusoy Dos. That picture, though pixellated, shows Hannah's passion for Guitar Hero. That's her "Do not disturb" face.

Monday. I had my first ever French speaking and written exam. I went to school around 9. It didn't really hit 'til 2 hours later when I had to wait my turn for the speaking. I sucked pretty hard since he had to ask me in English for some of them. HA. Another 2 hours later and it was the written exam. Yeah I'm pretty sure that was worst. After that, I went home and slept. (Ps: Happy Birthday April!)

Tuesday. My last half yearly - Music! I was actually looking forward to this exam. Probably because it was my last. Sang and played guitar to 'Waste Another Day' by Brooke Fraser. Sorry, Brooke. I totally crammed your style. Anyway, during my performance I could feel my cheeks burn. I'm guessing it was because I was turning uber red. That was then followed by my viva. I was pretty calm by then. I didn't even care if I was saying the right things anymore. They were amazed by the fact that I was talking about a Viola (an instrument no one really seems to know exists or differs from a violin). Immediately after my viva, was Jherlin's performance. I played bass for that one along with RJ on drums and Amiel on piano. She was awesome as usual. Then I had 2 hours to kill til it was time for Micah's performance. For that, I was freaking out. Had to play piano, but her skills go beyond mine so yeah, I was quite scared. While waiting, I had maccas with the muso clan. But Micah's one turned out good too, despite both of us freaking out prior. The piano was pretty sweaty after though. Hopefully no one else had to use it after cos yeah, gross. Anyway, thanks RJ for teaching us how to play poker. That was fun! (Ps: Happy Birthday Gab and Pastor Rolly!)

Wednesday. First day of my holidays. RJ came over at 8am to pester me again. Turns out I was too tired to be hospitable. I gave him the remote to foxtel and access to my mac. Then I went back to sleep. I reckon that counts as hospitable. Night time, we came over Pastor Rolly's house as a belated surprise partay. Everyone raped the wicked wings first chance. Altogether, a good night.

Thursday. Had lunch at Heavenlys with the Castros. Hung around Janine's before prac and took photos with Joie. Music practise at night. Everything else is pretty blurry even though it was only yesterday.

Today's adventures are yet to come. For now, I'm out. Blog later.