Thursday. Yesterday was a fun day. Che slept over the night before. We watched High School Musical 3 and Slumdog Millionaire before we slept, pigging out to all things sweet - the usual. I had a good sleep that night despite the fact that Che kept randomly twitching. I was woken by Shella, who arrived at my house around 8.30am cos we were planning to take the 9.30am Body Pump class at the gym (Oh, sometime between that I got a hold of Gossip Girl Episode 21. Thanks Brix!). Anyway, Shella and I met up with Hannah and Rea at One55 gym. It was Hannah and Rea's first time so they got the free first trial. I hate the signing in process where you have to fill in all this crap and we had to wait for the chick to finish giving this other fat chick a tour of the gym! Ahh! To make it extra worse, it was already past 9.30am. We stood outside the Body Pump class but they told us it was too late. At first, we were utterly disappointed. Basically, we just stood there and watched these buff girls doing freaking barbells. All we coud say was, "Thank God we missed this class."
To pass the hour, we just did weights and such..
Time for the Hip Hop class and Avidelle was still not there (she woke up too late to meet up with us so she said she'll turn up for Hip Hop). Luckily, she turned up just before the instructor started. Haha, that class was interesting. I wish I documented it somehow. After that, the 5 of us went rowing. We were happy so naturally, we were loud. Moments later, one of the One55 came upstairs looking all worried. She said something like "Are you girls alright?! Oh, sorry it sounded like there was a fight up here." Anyway, it was funny at the time.
After doing a couple more weights, we started to walk to Rooty shops for some grub. Not exactly the best choice of food after working out, but we chose to eat some super greasy Arab pizza. Hannah had 2. For dessert, we had a Gaytime each cos it's hard to have a Gaytime on your own.
Hannah and Rea caught the bus home so it was just me, Avi and Shella left. We ended up bummin' at my house. I dyed Avi's hair, and we finally got to watch Gossip Girl Episode 21! Then we watched Slumdog Millionaire. Hehe, I love that movie. I can't get over it! Right now, I think it seconds Forrest Gump - which says a lot in my books. To end the day, we took heaaaps of Photobooth pics.
Friday. Today, I spent most of my day at Ryan's house. Finally got to try out Guitar Hero: World Tour! I sucked at the drums more than I anticipated. It was also fun making Alysha cry a good portion of the time I was there. After that, I just hung with Gab, Ray and Jd at maccas. After that, it was youth. Now I'm home blogging because I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I've a blocked nose! Damn hayfever season! Blog later.
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