Sunday. Had church service as per usual. I went home earlier than

Monday. I had my first ever French speaking and written exam. I went to school around 9. It didn't really hit 'til 2 hours later when I had to wait my turn for the speaking. I sucked pretty hard since he had to ask me in English for some of them. HA. Another 2 hours later and it was the written exam. Yeah I'm pretty sure that was worst. After that, I went home and slept. (Ps: Happy Birthday April!)
Tuesday. My last half yearly - Music! I was actually looking forward to this exam. Probably because it was my last. Sang and played guitar to 'Waste Another Day' by Brooke Fraser. Sorry, Brooke. I totally crammed your style. Anyway, during my performance I could feel my cheeks burn. I'm guessing it was because I was turning uber red. That was then followed by my viva. I was pretty calm by then. I didn't even care if I was saying the right things anymore. They were amazed by the fact that I was talking about a Viola (an instrument no one really seems to know exists or differs from a violin). Immediately after my viva, was Jherlin's performance. I played bass for that one along with RJ on drums and Amiel on piano. She was awesome as usual. Then I had 2 hours to kill til it was time for Micah's performance. For that, I was freaking out. Had to play piano, but her skills go beyond mine so yeah, I was quite scared. While waiting, I had maccas with the muso clan. But Micah's one turned out good too, despite both of us freaking out prior. The piano was pretty sweaty after though. Hopefully no one else had to use it after cos yeah, gross. Anyway, thanks RJ for teaching us how to play poker. That was fun! (Ps: Happy Birthday Gab and Pastor Rolly!)
Wednesday. First day of my holidays. RJ came over at 8am to pester me again. Turns out I was too tired to be hospitable. I gave him the remote to foxtel and access to my mac. Then I went back to sleep. I reckon that counts as hospitable. Night time, we came over Pastor Rolly's house as a belated surprise partay. Everyone raped the wicked wings first chance. Altogether, a good night.
Thursday. Had lunch at Heavenlys with the Castros. Hung around Janine's before prac and took photos with Joie. Music practise at night. Everything else is pretty blurry even though it was only yesterday.
Today's adventures are yet to come. For now, I'm out. Blog later.
Ohh what a lovely adventure (:
ReplyDeleteMARJ UR SO LOL!!! good blog..good start..